The Annual General Meeting of the Company is usually held in June of each year.

Directors of Top Energy Limited:

  • David Sullivan (Chairman)
  • Nicole Anderson
  • Simon Young
  • Jon Nichols
  • Steve Sanderson
David Sullivan

David Sullivan

David was appointed to the Top Energy board in August 2018 and in December 2018 was also appointed to the Ngawha Generation Ltd board. David is a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA), with many years of experience in director and senior executive finance roles, across a number of large and often listed companies, including chairing of the Audit Committee of a substantial finance company.
Nicole Anderson

Nicole Anderson

Nicole was appointed in April 2021. She is a chartered professional director with a background in health, Māori development and has practical business ownership experience in the manufacturing, farming and retail sectors. Nicole holds other directorships, including with Kāinga Ora, Scion and Te Ohu Kai Moana. She is also Chair of the International Accreditation Council.
Simon Young

Simon Young

Simon was appointed in June 2014 and is also a director of Ngawha Generation Ltd. He has over 20 years experience in the New Zealand electricity industry and associated financial markets. He has previously been a director of a number of public and private electricity-related companies and was the founding Managing Director of Empower Ltd, New Zealand's first independent electricity retailer.
Jon Nichols

Jon Nichols

Jon is an experienced director and business consultant with experience in a number of strategic growth, regulatory and performance-based initiatives for infrastructure-related businesses in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. He also serves on the board of the Eastland Group Limited and its subsidiaries, Electra Limited, and its subsidiaries and Hawkes Bay Airport Limited. Additionally, Jon is the independent chair of the Risk and Assurance Committee for Hastings District Council and the Audit and Risk Committee of Maungaharuru Tangitu Trust. He is a Fellow member of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and a Chartered Member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors. Jon was appointed a Director of Top Energy Limited and Ngawha Generation Limited in March 2022.
Steve Sanderson

Steve Sanderson

Steve was appointed to the Top Energy Board in March 2022. Steve has predominately a career background in infrastructure businesses including, CEO Wellington & Queenstown Airports, General Manager NZ/Australia at Powerco Limited, General Manager at Lyttelton Port Company, and Director at Pioneer Generation. Steve is a graduate of Monash University and a Member of the Institute of Directors.

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