Helping our tamariki stay safe in the water
E tiakina ana ā tātou tamariki kia haumaru i te wai.
keep readingUse this form if you want to repair, maintain, move or remove your privately owned electricity supply and equipment, or if you want to request a move of Top Energy lines or equipment.
An application fee of $100 (incl GST) is required before your application is processed.
You can pay the application fee by eftpos at our Kerikeri office, or by online banking into account number 02-0332-0011638-00 using your name as the payment reference. We do not accept credit card payments.
You will receive a quote within 10 working days.
However if you want a repair quote and your power is off as a result, we will get a quote to you sooner so you can be back up and running.
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Find out more about building near lines, and electricity safety around your home
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