Build near the network

Build near the network

Before you build near power lines or cables, engage a Top Energy Planner to make sure you're meeting safe distances

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Fuses & circuit breakers

Fuses & circuit breakers

Sometimes a tripped fuse is the reason for having no power. Do you know how to check?

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Fallen electricity cables - how to exit your car safely

Latest news

Published 11/03/25

Helping our tamariki stay safe in the water

E tiakina ana ā tātou tamariki kia haumaru i te wai.

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Published 23/01/25

CBEC draws curtains on cold homes

CBEC wins Top Energy's first ever Energy Wellness Fund

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Published 07/01/25

Considering rooftop solar?

E whakaaro ana rānei ki te pūngao kōmaru, rā runga tuanui?

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Published 06/01/25

Transpower, Northpower and Top Energy collaborate

Emerging plan for infrastructure investments

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Locate a cable

Locate a cable

Know the location of underground cables are before you dig or excavate

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Work near power lines

Work near power lines

Get approval before working next to power lines to keep yourself safe and avoid costly network damage.

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