Helping our tamariki stay safe in the water
E tiakina ana ā tātou tamariki kia haumaru i te wai.
keep readingIf you want to operate machinery or undertake other work in close proximity to Top Energy’s power lines or other electrical equipment, you need consent to ensure the work is conducted safely, and to avoid any costly damage to the electricity cables.
Approving your Close Approach Consent will take a minimum of 10 working days. Complex jobs may take longer. Additional time may be required to schedule outages or other safety management arrangements.
Applications for wood lot and forest harvesting require a minimum of 16 working days' notice to process. Please apply with as much notice as possible to avoid delays.
Working close to power lines and other electrical equipment can be dangerous. There is no application fee. However, if a Top Energy Asset Protection Officer or other work is required, you will be charged for their time.
The New Zealand Electrical Code of Practice for Electrical Safe Distances (NZECP34) requires written consent from the line owner when you:
We will contact you to arrange an on-site safety planning meeting with you or your site supervisor before starting any work requiring consent. Our consenting process requires us to discuss the proposed work and agree on risk controls.
Apply for consent to work near the Top Energy network below.