Helping our tamariki stay safe in the water
E tiakina ana ā tātou tamariki kia haumaru i te wai.
keep readingUse this form when you want to change your electricity supply, increase your electricity load or add an ICP to an existing connection.
An application fee of $100 (incl GST) is required before your application is processed unless you are downgrading your connection due to a solar install.
You can pay the application fee by eftpos at our Kerikeri office, or by online banking into account number 02-0332-0011638-00 using your name as the payment reference. We do not accept credit card payments.
Once your application is received, we will progress your application. There is no application fee if you are applying for a downgrade for a solar connection.
If your quote is straightforward, you will receive a quote within 10 working days. For more complex jobs we will provide an estimate and an outline of the next steps.
However if you want a repair quote and your power is off as a result, we will get a quote to you sooner so you can be back up and running.
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Find out more about building near lines, and electricity safety around your home
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