Open to Years 7 through 13 students and covering any area of science or technology, students are encouraged to choose an exhibit topic which challenges their imagination and encourages the development of investigative and problem-solving life skills.

The Fair is well supported by the region’s secondary schools, with high levels of student participation each year. The standard of the exhibits is also high. So much so that, in the past, students have gone on to represent the Far North at the Royal Society’s national science and technology event, “Realise the Dream”.

Several of the Far North Science & Technology Fair senior prize-winning students have also taken their interest in science and technology through to their tertiary studies.

86 Overall Winner2023 Top Energy Acid Sulfate Soilsin Northland Sunny Perry Kerikeri High School F2
2023 Senior Prize Winner Sunny Perry with Top Energy CEO Russell Shaw.
Top Energy Group

Top Energy Group

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A litmus test for budding scientists

A litmus test for budding scientists

Judging of the annual Far North Science Fair will be held on 29 August

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