Residential connection

Residential connection

Find out the process and apply for a new residential connection for your new build.

Apply now


Apply for consent, or to connect your consented subdivision to the Top Energy network

Apply now

As well as being able to work with you directly, we also have approved contractors to support you with any works required on our network.

Our approved contractors who have undertaken training to safely install new assets, lines, or cables connected to our network.

When you want to undertake new connections or alterations around our network via an approved contractor, we’ll need to know so we can inspect and liven your connection, this will be arranged by your contractor.

New Connection and Subdivisions

Northland Power Services
Phone 021 195 6099

Northpower Contracting
Phone 0800 667 847
Apply online here

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Upgrade or change my power supply

Upgrade or change my power supply

Upgrade or change your electricity supply

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Get electrical work done

Get electrical work done

Use this form if you want to repair, maintain, move or remove your privately owned electricity supply and equipment, or if you want to request a move of Top Energy lines or equipment.

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