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keep readingThe Trust’s purpose is to hold all the Top Energy shares on behalf of Far North power consumers connected to Top Energy’s lines network.
There are five Trustees who are appointed under the terms set out in the Trust Deed and who administer the Trust. Their duties include:
We are calling for nominations of Trustees of the Top Energy Consumer Trust now.
The Trust's Deed requires that two of the existing trustees must retire from office on 31 March 2025. Persons wishing to apply for the role of trustees are invited to apply.
Read here for more information and how to apply or send in a nomination.
Far North power consumers connected to Top Energy’s line network own the company with the shares being held, on their behalf, by the Top Energy Consumer Trust.
Every 5 years, the Trustees consult with local power consumers on their preference for the ownership structure of Top Energy. The requirements are set out in the Trust’s Deed.
The Trust Deed requires Top Energy’s Directors to produce a report which details their analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various types of ownership structure. It also contains their recommendation in relation to continued ownership. The Director’s Report is supported by a PwC report which provides detailed analysis of past performance and possible ownership options.
Your Trustees are required to review this Directors’ report and to set out any comments on it in a Trustees Report.
The most recent ownership review of the shares in Top Energy Ltd was completed on 30 August 2022. The Trustees of the Trust decided that the shares would continue to be held in trust for the power consumers of the Far North who are connected to the Top Energy distribution system. This position is expected to continue for up to five years from the date the decision was made.
The Top Energy Consumer Trust's financial reports are available within the Publications and disclosures page here.
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