First established in 1935, the company is owned by its power consumers. Top Energy’s shares are held by the Top Energy Consumer Trust (formerly the Bay of Islands Electric Power Trust) on behalf of electricity consumers in the region.

Top Energy is a major contributor to the community’s financial well-being, managing assets of over $750 million and employing over 180 staff. As one of the largest businesses based in the region, Top Energy is uniquely placed to act as a catalyst to develop economic potential in the region. Not only does the company’s asset base provide the necessary substance to lead new projects but the experience and knowledge of its existing staff provide a base from which new staff can be trained to deliver quality results to customers.

By paying salaries and wages and buying goods and services from local businesses, the company pumps nearly $30 million each year into the local economy. In addition, over $10 million is paid out annually to local power consumers, through a line charge discount and dividend.

Our values

  • Safety
  • Community
  • Together
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Growth

We care greatly for our customers, our community and our employees. We are committed to providing our consumers with a reliable supply of power and the highest level of customer service. We are also committed to being a leader in corporate responsibility, supporting our community and providing sustainable employment opportunities in the Far North.

Guiding us along the way are our Core Values. They represent what is most important to us and help guide our decision making, both collectively and as individuals. First and foremost, our priority is to keep our employees and the public safe. In addition, we aim for sustainable growth and unwavering service to the community; we strive to excel in all we do – both internally and with our customers; we work well together and are united as one Top Energy team; and we ensure all our dealings are done with honesty and integrity.

Top Energy history2

Our history

Top Energy was once known as the Bay of Islands Electric Power Board which brought electricity to the Far North in the late 1930s.

While our business has evolved over the years, our mission has remained the same – to supply energy to the Far North. And with this comes great responsibility. Our obligations to our customers, our community and our employees are first and foremost and we’re proud of what we’ve achieved.

We are a united team with a vast array of skills, providing a range of services across multiple workstreams:

  • generating electricity through our geothermal power plant
  • transmitting and distributing electricity through our network
  • building and maintaining our network assets
  • providing contracting services

But underlying this diversity, at our heart we are one team – one Top Energy.

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