Subdiv Appl Pic

1. FNDC Subdivision consent

Your application for subdivision consent provides a letter outlining conditions of your subdivision to the connect to the Top Energy network. There is no cost to this application.

You will need this for your resource consent with the Far North District Council.

2. Subdivision power connection application

This is an application to Top Energy to undertake work for your subdivision to build a power connection available at the boundary of each lot. The cost is $100 application fee. There will be additional costs for design and work to be undertaken.

3. Subdivision completion letter

Once your subdivision is complete, if you require a Subdivision completion letter confirming your Subdivision meets the conditions outlined in your resource consent, email with a copy of your approved resource consent conditions. There is no cost for this letter.

FNDC Subdivision consent

FNDC Subdivision consent

Apply for Subdivision consent to support your resource consent with the council

Apply here
Subdivision power connection

Subdivision power connection

Apply to build a power connection available at the boundary of each lot in your subdivision

Apply here
Published 06/08/24

Top Energy Far North Science and Technology Fair

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Top Energy Chief Executive Russell Shaw a finalist in the Robert Walters Leadership Awards

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Ko te haumaru i te taha hiko

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Ngāwhā Generation: During a Grid Emergency

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