Helping our tamariki stay safe in the water
E tiakina ana ā tātou tamariki kia haumaru i te wai.
keep readingYoung Enterprise Scheme (YES) fosters an enterprise culture in secondary schools, by focusing the curriculum in a way where students can see the relevance of their learning – and to help them develop into enterprising people.
Partnering with The Lion Foundation since 2009, Top Energy sponsors the YES for Northland secondary schools.
Top Energy has long been a sponsor of various Education 4 Enterprise Programme elements in the Far North region, but this is the first time the Company has sponsored an educational programme reaching the whole Northland region.
YES Northland is a year-long, experiential business learning programme, where year 11 through 13 students form start up companies, become directors and follow their own business plans to develop products/services which they market and sell.
The students, as YES Company directors, create real products and services, earn real money, pay real tax and hopefully make profits. It’s not just an academic course, but a relevant and exciting experience which introduces students to the real business world and exposes them to possible future career options.
YES Northland is supported in schools by teachers and by a YES Co-ordinator, who arranges directors’ seminars, trade fairs, oral and end of year presentations and teacher/mentor training.