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Complaints handling

Top Energy is committed to providing excellent service to Far North power consumers. However, on occasion, our service provided may fall short of your expectations.

Our complaints handling process is designed to ensure that any complaint received can be resolved amicably and to the satisfaction of both parties.

Complaints may be sent using the above online form, or you can email You can also make a formal complaint by calling 09 407 0603 or in person to any of our office or depots.

After receiving your complaint, we will attempt to resolve it within 20 working days and will contact you either by post, by e-mail, or by telephone during this process. We will notify you if we have a good reason to extend this time to 40 working days.

Utilities Disputes

If we cannot resolve your complaint within 20 working days, and we have not written to you with a good reason to extend the time to resolve your complaint to 40 working days, you can contact Utilities Disputes Ltd, which is a free and independent service.

You may ask the Commissioner to consider your complaint before 20 working days have elapsed if:

  • We have made it clear that we do not intend to do anything about your complaint;
  • You would suffer unreasonable harm from waiting any longer;
  • It would otherwise be unjust for you to wait any longer for us to resolve your complaint.

If you wish to contact the Utilities Disputes, please free-phone or fax, write to the address below, or click on the internet link provided.

UD logo

Utilities Disputes Limited
P O Box 5875
Lambton Quay
Wellington 6145

Ph: 0800 22 33 40

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