Approved contractors

An Approved Contractor is a contractor that has attained and retains approval from Top Energy to carry out work on Top Energy electrical assets, when not under the direct supervision of an Approved Top Energy Authorisation Certificate Holder. An Approved Contractor may, subject to its respective Approved Contractor Licence and any relevant work order or contract, carry out work on, or within four metres of, any of Top Energy’s electricity network assets (Work on the Network).

To qualify as an Approved Contractor an applicant must be able to demonstrate that:

  • it fully appreciates, accepts, and is managing its obligations under all relevant and applicable law (including, for example, the Health and Safety at Work 2015, the Resource Management Act 1991, the Electricity Act 1992 and all associated subordinate legislation);
  • it fully appreciates, accepts and complies with Top Energy’s requirements and specifications, as described within its Asset Management Documents;
  • it fully appreciates, accepts and adopts appropriate and relevant industry standards in so far as applicable;
  • without limitation, it has implemented operating practices and procedures that meet all the Relevant Requirements;
  • without limitation, its employees and all subcontractors meet all relevant competency requirements in respect of the work types for which the Applicant seeks approval; and
  • it has in place systems, practices and procedures to ensure that it will always meet the approval requirements.

An Approved Contractor Licence is required by all contractors who may wish to Work on the Network, irrespective of how, when or for whom they work, or who manages the work, or pays for it. For example, an Approved Contractor Licence is required for work on the Top Energy Network, where the engagement is made by or for;

  • Top Energy Network Asset Management Group,
  • Top Energy Contracting Services,
  • Ngawha Geothermal
  • A third party, where assets will be connected to the Network, or where Top Energy will become the owner, operator, manager or maintainer of the assets – for example, a network extension or augmentation known by Top Energy as customer initiated work; and
  • Third Parties not directly engaged by Top Energy that requires them to work within the distances specified within Electrical Code of Practice 34:2001 (Safe Working Distances) of the Top Energy’s electricity network.Contractor Approval Process

Contractor approval process

There are three stages to the Top Energy Contractor Approval Process which all applicants must satisfy before they can become approved to undertake specific Work on the Network. These stages are;

The Contractor Approval Process is a collaborative process undertaken by both Top Energy and an applicant for the purpose of assessing whether an applicant has and can demonstrate the necessary systems and processes in order to become an Approved Contractor.

  1. Pre-Qualification Inquiry Stage (including Expressions of Interest).
  2. Detailed Application and Approval Stage
  3. Provision and acceptance of Individual Employee Competency Evidence

The Pre-Qualification Inquiry stage involves the applicant obtaining a clear understanding of Top Energy’s requirements, submitting a Pre-Qualification Inquiry Form for consideration, and an initial assessment by Top Energy on the merits of the Inquiry and Network requirements.

The Detailed Application stage requires the provision of more detailed information from the applicant and an in-depth assessment of the applicant’s documentation, systems processes and work practices, including risk identification, management and control.

The Individual Employee Competency Authorisation Stage involves the competency assessment of the individual employees who have been nominated by the Approved Contractor to carry out work on the network. Following assessment and interview, the employees will be required to attend a Safety Initiation and Orientation day at the Top Energy Network Office.

Fee structure

The Applicant may be required to meet the cost of external peer review of their systems and processes. Costs will be disclosed prior to a commitment from the Contractor proceed with external reviews, on a case by case basis.

Top Energy reserves the rights, at any time for any reason and with or without prior notice, to change its fees or fee structure and to introduce new fees. Fees are non-refundable in all circumstances.

To register an Expression of Interest in gaining a Top Energy Approved Contractor Licence, email

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