Work near power lines
Get approval before working next to power lines to keep yourself safe and avoid costly network damage.
Apply nowWhen working around the electricity network, we want you to stay safe. Working near underground cables and other electrical equipment can be dangerous.
When you plan to build or place a structure near Top Energy or private lines, you must contact our Planning Engineer to ensure you're within safety distances.
The planning engineer will assess the site plans to ensure the proposals comply with the New Zealand Code of Practice 34 – Safety Distances (NZECP 34:2001).
The minimum safe distances differ depending on the voltage of the overhead lines.
Top Energy will advise whether:
It may take up to 5 working days to receive a recommendation and you will be advised of any charges that may be incurred.
If you are planning to work within 4 meters of overhead lines, you need to gain written consent from the line owner. For Top Energy Lines, you can apply for consent to Work near power lines (Close approach consent).
Or if you are planning to dig or excavate, you need to apply for a Cable Location to ensure your work is undertaken safely and to avoid any costly damage. You can apply to Locate a cable.
If you require Top Energy Network Maps for planning and design purposes only, email gis.support@topenergy.co.nz
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