Be prepared

  • Download the Top Energy Outage App to stay informed.
  • Have a rechargeable torch and power bank handy to keep smart phones or tablets charged.
  • Store drinking water and keep a container of water around the house for flushing toilets if on tank water.
  • Keep BBQ gas cylinders and your petrol tanks full. Remember pumps and EFTPOS won’t work if the power goes off.
  • Wrap freezers in duvets, blankets or some form of insulation if possible.

During an outage

  • Keep fridges and freezers closed.
  • Turn off unnecessary equipment.
  • Call us if you know what is causing the power outage on 0800 867 363
Emergency supplies

Before reporting an outage

  1. Check the fuses and circuit breakers on your switch board to see if any have tripped. You can find more information on our Fuses and Circuit Breakers page
  2. Check if your neighbour has power.
    If they do and you don't, it could be an issue with your internal wiring or service cable.
    If neither of you have power, its possible there is a fault in your street or area that Top Energy needs to be notified about.
  3. Check our website to see if there are any outages.

Before engaging an electrician to help you, please call us to check if we are aware of any outages affecting your power supply.

Report a fault

Factors affecting the duration of an outage

  • Storm damage causing multiple outages at the same time
  • Extent of the damage, ease of access to remote areas and the safety of our crews
  • Darkness and visibility
  • Number of fault responders available to attend an outage and travel required
  • Number of jobs in the queue

When you log a fault at night the power may not be restored if its too difficult or unsafe to repair in the dark.

Rest assured we will be working hard to get your power back on as quickly as possible.

Safety is our first priority.

We assess the risk of every outage and always attend calls where electricity needs to be made safe.
Please remember to treat all lines as live.

Paying for call outs and repairs

You only pay for:

  • Call outs and repairs when you have caused damage to the Top Energy network.
  • Faults on your service line or cable.
    If this happens, we need you to sign an Authorisation to Work form that outlines the hourly costs, before we can fix it.