This means you are responsible for the cost of maintenance and repair of your lines and equipment which are not part of the Top Energy network.

Where there are Top Energy owned transformers on private land, or more than 2 houses down a right of way sharing a single roadside pillar, you need to contact Top Energy to clarify ownership.

Line Ownership

As a property owner you should​

  • Regularly check any electricity lines to ensure they are safely positioned away from people, trees and structures, and appear in good condition​
  • Ensure any digging on your property is done with knowledge of where the underground cables run​
  • Arrange for the repair of any damaged electricity lines, cables or equipment on your property

What to look for:

  • Rotting or unstable pole​s
  • Overhead Lines too close to the ground​
  • Damaged Line​
  • Unsafe cross arm​
  • Exposed underground cables​
  • Unsafe meter or hot water relay​
  • Unsafe meter box

If you do find your underground cables or overhead lines need attention, you have a few options for repair.

  • If your power supply is impacted, log a fault to engage Top Energy on 0800 867 363. Top Energy will complete repairs without providing a quote. ​
  • Apply for a quote online to Get electrical work done or call us and ask to speak to the Estimating team on 0800 867 363. ​
  • Engage a qualified electrical contractor to complete the work.​
  • Contact your retailer to repair your meter or hot water relay.

If you need advice or guidance, call us on 0800 867 363.

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