Our COVID-19 crisis management team is monitoring the situation and will respond appropriately to developments.

The team has implemented the following actions for the safety of its staff, contractors and the public:

  1. All non-essential air travel has been cancelled. Our people can drive across Northland to support projects and continue fieldwork to keep the power on.
  2. Any non-essential gatherings including conferences and training have been cancelled. If a meeting is required for safety or for essential operations it will be limited to a maximum of 10 people, in a space that allows 1-meter separation for no more than 30 minutes. We are encouraging the use of technology to host online meetings to limit contact and reduce the risk of illness.
  3. We discourage people from dropping into Top Energy offices, but you can still call us on 0800 867 363. If you do drop into any of our offices or encounter our team undertaking repairs or working on the street, please don’t be offended when we don’t shake hands, keep 1 meter of separation, and limit the time we engage with you to minimise any risk through contact.
  4. We have communicated the symptoms and preventative hygiene measures to our people and contractors. If staff are feeling unwell, they are to remain at home. If our people are unsure if their symptoms match those of COVID-19, they need to contact the Healthline on 0800 358 5453.
  5. We have increased the frequency of surface cleaning in the offices and are making hand sanitiser and antiseptic wipes available in vehicles for our people where handwashing facilities are not available.

We will continue to assess the way we work and put practical measures in place as new information becomes available.

If you have any information you think will assist us to work better during this time, please call on 0800 867 363 or email feedback@topenergy.co.nz

Don’t forget to keep an eye out on your neighbours, particularly the elderly or vulnerable in our community.

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