Helping our tamariki stay safe in the water
E tiakina ana ā tātou tamariki kia haumaru i te wai.
keep readingAs we move into Alert Level 3 we will continue to manage the risk of exposure to Covid-19 (Coronavirus).
This means there is still no public access to Top Energy’s office or depots. Social distancing and reducing human contact continues to be an important strategy to control the spread of the virus.
Please contact us by calling 0800 867 363.
Our focus is on core operations to keep the lights on and maintain the network to prevent outages, however we will start to complete customer work where social distancing and safety measures can be in place. We will continue running the Ngawha geothermal power station and are working closely with our contractors to safely recommence the Ngawha expansion construction project.
Only essential front-line teams will operate from Top Energy depots, offices and the Ngawha geothermal power station. Stringent government controls on social contact will be followed at all sites.
We will continue to monitor our network and will provide information on any outages impacting your supply. We appreciate you patience should there be some delays in contacting us.
We appreciate your understanding while these essential restrictions are in place.
Please keep an eye on your neighbours, elderly or vulnerable people in our community.
For information on New Zealand’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic: