We are all adjusting to a very different working environment as we commit as a country to stop the spread of COVID-19 virus.

The health and safety of our people and communities is our number one priority and with the country in lockdown, we are halting non-essential activity across our business.

Our focus is on core operations only to keep the lights on, the network free of trees to prevent outages, and the continued running of the Ngawha geothermal power station. Only essential front-line team will operate from Top Energy depots and geothermal power station.

You will see them out in the community doing critical work to prevent power outages and keep the power on for the people of the Far North.

Stringent government controls on social contact and hygiene will be followed.

Please keep your distance but feel free to send them a smile and a wave to bridge the distance. They would welcome your support.

We will continue to monitor our network and will provide information on any outages impacting your supply. But please be patient should there be some delays in contacting us.

Stay home. Save lives. This breaks the chain and stops the virus spreading

We’re all in this together

For information on New Zealand’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic:


Please contact us by calling call 0800 867 363.

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