Top Energy Chief Executive Russell Shaw says the credit will be welcome in the lead up to the festive season and is based on the amount of power used during the year.

The amount paid is based on the level of energy consumed with 90% of consumers receiving a $200 rebate, commercial accounts will receive a higher amount and low usage accounts will receive less.

“All eligible electricity account holders, regardless of how they pay their power bills, will see the credit on their November power bill issued by their electricity retailer.”

Mr Shaw says the credit gives $6 million back to the 31,000 Top Energy customers on our network and is a sign of our continued investment in the Far North.

Owned by Northlanders through the Top Energy Consumer Trust, Top Energy are committed to providing a reliable and resilient electricity network which keeps up to date with evolving technologies such as localised generation, and microgrids.

“In the next ten years, we will invest $170 million in our network to ensure a high quality and secure supply of power for the people of the Far North.”

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