Nominations will close on 20 December 2024.
Nominations are called for the position of Trustee of the Top Energy Consumer Trust.
The Trust’s Deed requires that 2 of the existing trustees must retire from office on 31 March 2025. Ms Yvonne Sharp and Mr Hugh Ammundsen will retire under the rotation provisions of the Deed. Persons wishing to be considered for the role of trustee are invited to apply. Retiring trustees are entitled to seek reappointment.
A Trustee must be a parliamentary elector and must reside (i.e. the place they live most of the time) in the District served by Top Energy’s distribution system. It is envisaged that trustees will have some or all of the following characteristics:
Business experience
Representative of cultural and social interests
An interest in the field of energy
Any member of the public may nominate a trustee. No special form is required. Persons nominated should provide a curriculum vitae detailing their personal details and business and community experience. The Trust will appoint an experienced consultant in personnel selection. The consultant will shortlist up to 6 nominees to be presented to a selection panel comprising the elected Members of Parliament for Northland and Te Tai Tokerau and the Chair of the Northland Regional Council. This panel will make the final selection of the 2 new trustees.
Copies of the Trust Deed and the Statement of Corporate Intent of Top Energy Ltd are available from the company's offices or on the Company website, www.topenergy.co.nz.
Nominations should be in writing to:
The Secretary
Top Energy Consumer Trust
P O Box 43
Kerikeri 0245
Or email: trust@topenergy.co.nz