Top Energy powers the Far North community through our Ngāwhā Generation power stations and delivers electricity via our network of powerlines.
As a Consumer Trust-owned company, Top Energy is owned by you – the consumers connected to our network.

E whakahiko ana a Top Energy i Te Hiku o te Ika mā tō mātou punahiko Ngāwhā Generation, ā, e tuku ana i te hiko mā tō mātou kāwei taura hiko.
Hei Tarahiti Kiritaki, ko Top Energy nā koutou, nā ngā kiritaki e hono ana ki te kāwei.

We’re proud to be part of the Far North community and reinvest in its growth, contributing $450,000 annually to local sponsorships.

E whakaahurei ana mātou kei roto mātou i te kāinga nei o Te Hiku, ā, e haumi ana i tōna tupuranga, e $450,000 tāra ia tau e tuku ana ki ngā pūtea tautoko ā-rohe.


Northland Emergency Services Trust (NEST)

Since 1988, Top Energy and Northpower have proudly co-sponsored and funded high-profile annual public appeals in support of the Northland Emergency Services Trust’s (NEST) Electricity Rescue Helicopter service. Every dollar raised through these appeals goes directly to NEST to help fund costs such as pilots’ wages, flight crew training, insurance and interest on loans. Over the past 30 years, we have helped the Northland community raise more than $3.5 million to keep this vital emergency rescue service in the air.

Nō te tau 1988 e tautoko tahi ana a Top Energy me Northpower i wētahi inoi tūmatanui ā-tau nunui hei tautoko i tō te Northland Emergency Services Trust’s (NEST) ratonga, arā, te Electricity Rescue Helicopter. Ko ngā tāra katoa e kohikohia ana i wērā inoi ka haere tika atu ki NEST hei whakaea i ngā utu paerata, ngā utu whakangungu tira rere, te inihua me te huamoni i ngā moni taurewa. Nō te 30 tau kua pahika nei, kua āwhina mātou i Te Tai Tokerau kia kohikohia e $3.5 miriona tāra koni atu ka rere tonu ai tēnei tino ratonga whakaora.

Healthy Homes Tai Tokerau

Healthy Homes Tai Tokerau (Healthy Homes) is a joint venture between two Northland community enterprises – the Community Business and Environment Centre
(CBEC) in Kaitaia and He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust (He Iwi) in Moerewa. Serving the entire Northland region, Healthy Homes, employs six install teams from local skilled
labour and only using the highest quality NZ-manufactured polyester insulation products. Since early 2008, Healthy Homes has retrofitted insulation into over 12,000 Northland homes.

Ko te Healthy Homes Tai Tokerau (Healthy Homes) he mahinga tahitanga i waenga i ngā kaupapa kāinga e rua o Te Tai Tokerau - ko te Community Business and
Environment Centre (CBEC) i Kaitāia me He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust (He Iwi) i Moerewa. E mahi ana Healthy Homes i Te Tai Tokerau puta noa, e whakamahi ana i ngā
tīma mahi e ono nō ngā kaimahi pūkenga ā-rohe, ā, e whakamahi ana i ngā rauemi ārai pareaku kounga nō Aotearoa. Mai anō, mai anō nō te tau 2008, e
whakahoungia ana e Healthy Homes koni atu i te 12,000 kāinga o Te Tai Tokerau.

Nest toppa
Top Energy and Northpower co-sponsor the NEST Electricity Rescue Helicopter.



WaterSafe is a free practical programme managed by Sport Northland which teaches primary school children water survival skills. The aim of WaterSafe is to raise the water safety and swim-to-survive skills of primary and intermediate-aged children with the ultimate aim of achieving zero preventable drownings in Northland by embedding water safety skills as a life skill for our tamariki.

Ko WaterSafe tētahi hōtaka utu kore e ako ana i ngā tamariki kura tuatahi ki ngā pūkenga kauora. He mea whakahaere e Sport Northland. Ko tō WaterSafe kaupapa he whakapiki i te haumaru wai me ngā pūkenga kauora o ngā tamariki i ngā kura tuatahi, kura takawaenga nōki, otirā kia whakatutuki i te whāinga kia kore tētahi toromi take noa, mā te whakaū i ngā pūkenga kauora i ngā tamariki, hei pūkenga matua.

Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)

The Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) fosters an entrepreneurial mindset in secondary schools by engaging Year 11 through 13 students to form start-up companies, become directors and follow their business plans to develop products/services they market and sell.

Ko tā te Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) he whāngai i te ngākau pakihi o ngā ākonga wharekura, mā te akiaki i ngā ākonga tau 11-13 kia whakatū kamupene, kia tū
hei kaiwhakahaere, ā, kia whāia tōna mahere pakihi e hanga hua ai, e hanga ratonga ai hei whakatairanga, hei hoko mā rātou.

Top Energy Far North Science and Technology Fair

Every year, the Top Energy Far North Science & Technology Fair ignites a passion for science and technology among Far North secondary school students by providing a dynamic, hands-on platform for exploration and innovation. Students create exhibits which investigate and problem-solve science or technology topics. We love this programme and have been sponsoring it for over 20 years.

Ia tau, ka whakahihiko te Top Energy Far North Science & Technology Fair i te ngākaunui o ngā ākonga kura tuarua i Te Hiku ki te pūtaiao me te hangarau, mā te whakarite i tētahi kaupapa hihiri, kaupapa ā-ringa, hei torotoro, hei auaha nōki. Ka hangā e ngā ākonga he whakakitenga hei tūhura, hei whakaoti rapanga mō ngā take pūtaiao, take hangarau rānei. E ngākaunui ana mātou ki tēnei kaupapa, ā, koni atu i te 20 tau e tautokongia ana.

Top Energy Engineering Scholarship

The Top Energy Engineering Scholarship provides a one-off payment of $10,000 to a Far North school leaver pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours).
Entries open every August and we are close to awarding this year’s recipient. Look out for an announcement soon.

Mā te Top Energy Engineering Scholarship e tuku tētahi hoatutanga $10,000 ki tētahi pia e puta i te kura tuarua nō Te Hiku, e aru ana i tētahi Paetahi Pūkaha
(Hōnore). Ka pūare hei te Akuhata, ā, āinei whakawhiwhia e mātou te toa whakaihu waka i tēnei tau. Kia mataara ki te pānui hei te tau hou nei.

Adv Oct
Left: Kaikohe East Tamariki with WaterSafe Kaiārahi. Right: Erin Rosetta – Kerikeri High School. Best in Seniors and Overall Winner for her project “How to Brew the Best Cold Remedy” – using Kawakawa leaves.


Northland Business Excellence Awards

The Northland Business Excellence Awards offers local businesses, big and small, an incredible opportunity to measure, recognise, and honour business excellence. It also helps to focus companies on where they want to go, things they’ve done, and things they need to work on. The awards encourage businesses to undergo independent evaluation through the entry process, showcasing successful, profitable businesses and spotlighting their outstanding achievements.

Mā te Northland Business Excellence Awards e whai wāhi atu ngā pakihi nui, ngā wāhi pakihi hoki kia inehia, kia kitea, otirā kia whakanuia te kairangi pakihi. He āwhina hoki mā ngā kamupene kia aro ki tā rātou e whai nei, ngā mea kua oti, me ngā mea hoki hei whakapakari. E akiaki ana ngā tohu i ngā pakihi me whai arotake ā-waho mā te tono atu, ā, e whakaaturia ana ngā pakihi angitu, pakihi whai hua, me te whakanui i ō rātou whakatutukinga ka nui nei anō te pai.

Tai Tokerau Māori Business Awards

The Tai Tokerau Māori Business Awards celebrate Māori in business in Northland across categories which include leadership, new businesses, non-profits,
environmental awareness and the supreme award of Tai Tokerau Māori Business of the Year. The awards celebrate and recognise the considerable impact that
Māori small and medium business owners and Māori collective asset holders make to our regional economy, communities and whānau. Nominations will open in
early 2025 led by Te Hiringa via their website.

E whakanui ana te Tai Tokerau Māori Business Awards i ngā pakihi Māori i Te Tai Tokerau i wēnei rōpū, arā, ko te hautūtanga, te pakihi hou, te monihua-kore, te aroā
taiao, me te tohu rangatira, otirā, ko te Tai Tokerau Māori Business of the Year. E whakanui ana ngā tohu nei i te pāpātanga nui a ngā pakihi Māori nonohi, ngā
mea wawaenga nōki me ngā kaipupuri rawa Māori ki te ohanga ā-rohe, otirā ki ngā kāinga me ngā whānau. Ka puare ngā tono hei te raumati o 2025, he mea ārahi e Te Hiringa mā tōna pae tukutuku.

Steve Bennett (left) receiving the Māori Business Leadership Award 2023 for Bennett and Associates Ltd from Russell Shaw, CEO Top Energy.