Are your service lines a safety risk?
If you’re a property owner you are responsible for the repair and maintenance of powerlines, poles and underground cables within the boundary of your property. Check them regularly for signs of wear and tear. If you have concerns, call Top Energy or a registered electrician to assess the need for repairs before the situation becomes dangerous.
The power cable that runs from the street to your house is called a service line. It can be overhead on poles, or underground.
What to look for
Leaning poles or low hanging lines, fraying, trees nearby, crooked cross arms or signs of damage. You are responsible for the maintenance and safety of your service line.
When the power goes out
If you have a power outage, first check the outage maps using a mobile device to see what’s going on in your area.
If your outage is not showing, report it by calling Top Energy on 0800 867 363.
E mōrearea ana ō raina rato?
Mehemea nōu tētahi whare, nōu te haepapa kia whakatikatika, kia tiaki hoki i ngā pou hiko, ngā taura hiko, me ngā raina ko raro i te whenua, i tō rohenga whenua. Me rite tonu te rapu i ngā wāhanga taretare. Me he māharahara ōu, rīngihia a Top Energy, tētahi kaimahi hiko rēhita rānei kia whakatau i ngā wāhanga me whakatika, kei mōrearea.
Ko ngā taura hiko e ahu atu ana i te tiriti ki tō whare e kīia nei he raina rato. Ko runga puano ngā pou, ko raro ko te whenua rānei.
Ngā mea hei rapu
Ngā pou tītaha, ngā taura tāepaepa rānei, te tāwekoweko, ngā rākau pātata, ngā kaho tītaha, ngā mea kino rānei. Nōu te haepapa kia tiaki, kia whakatikatika i ō raina rato.
Ka kotia ana te hiko
Pēnā ka kotia tō hiko, i te tuatahi, tirohia ngā mahere kotinga hiko ki mā te whakamahi i tētahi waea pūkoro, i tētahi rorohiko rānei, e kitea ai e pēhea ana tō rohe. Ki te kore e kitea
te kotinga hiko, rīpoatahia mā te waea atu ki Top Energy, 0800 867 363.