Our tree management programme
Top Energy has a robust vegetation control programme to manage trees that grow around powerlines. We spent $2M on our vegetation programme in the previous 12 months, which will increase to $2.7M for this year.
We have three teams made up of 12 people in total who work across the Far North, dealing with trees and vegetation that are a threat or potential threat to our powerlines.
Our teams are out there every day in all weather, working hard to keep the public safe and provide more reliable power for the Far North.
This job offers unique challenges, and therefore our teams are highly qualified specialist arborists with advanced qualifications in arboriculture, felling, rigging and utility disciplines to work near live power lines. Every job requires thorough safety assessments and plans are put in place for each site they work on to ensure safety of the crew, the public and our lines and equipment.
How you can help
You can help us by maintaining trees on your property, so they don’t get too close to the power lines, and by planting new trees away from power lines.
You can trim trees if the tree, yourself and any tools and machinery you are using, are more than 4m from power lines. Any closer, and only a qualified professional can undertake the work.
If you see trees touching or close to power lines, DO NOT touch the trees or poles. Call Top Energy on 0800 867 363 and tell us where trees are near or touching powerlines.

Ko tā mātou whakaritenga rākau
Kei a Top Energy tētahi kaupapa kaha whakarite tupu hei whakatika i ngā rākau e tupu tata ana ki ngā taura hiko. Nō te 12 marama kua pahure i whakapaua e mātou e $2 miriona tāra ki tō mātou kaupapa whakarite tupu, ā, ka piki kia $2.7 miriona i te tau nei.
E toru ā mātou rōpū mahi, 12 tāngata te nui, e mahi ana puta noa i Te Hiku o te Ika, heoi anō tā rātou he whakatikatika i ngā rākau me ngā tupu e noho mōrearea ana ki ā mātou taura hiko.
Ahakoa te huarere, e puku mahi ana ā mātou rōpū mahi ia rā, ia rā, kia haumaru ai te iwi, ā, kia tika te ūnga o te hiko i Te Hiku o Te Ika.
He hanga pakeke tēnei mahi, nō reira ā mātou tīma, he matatau, kua whai tohu tiketike kia tua rākau, kia whakaherehere, ā, kia whakamahi taputapu e tika ana kia mahi tata ki ngā taura hiko. Me āta mātai atu ki ngā tikanga haumaru me ngā whakaritenga ki ia wāhi mahinga katoa kia haumaru ai ngā kaimahi, te iwi, ngā taura hiko me ngā taputapu katoa.
Hei a pēhea tō āwhina mai
Hei āwhina mā mātou, māu e tiaki ō rākau i tō whenua, me te whakatō rākau kia kore e pātata atu ki ngā taura hiko.
Ki te pōutokia e koe ngā rākau, me whā mita atu koe, ō taputapu me te rākau i ngā taura hiko. Kia tata ake, hēnā, mā te kahimahi tika ānahenahe e mahi.
Kia kitea atu he rākau e pā atu ana, e tata ana ki ngā taura hiko, KAUA RAWA e pā atu ki ngā rākau, ki ngā pou rānei. Rīngi mai ki a Top Energy ki 0800 867 363, ā, whakamōhiotia mai, kei hea ngā rākau, e tata ana, e toto atu ana rānei ki ngā taura hiko.