As a consumer trust-owned company, we support sponsorships and events that benefit individuals, whānau and businesses across our Far North community.
Hei kamupene nā tētahi tarahiti hokohoko, e āta tautoko ana mātou ā-pūtea i ngā kaupapa e whai hua ai te tangata, ngā whānau me ngā
pakihi puta noa i Te Hiku o Te Ika.

Northland has more coastline than anywhere else in New Zealand.
He nui kē atu te takutai moana i Te Tai Tokerau i rohe kē atu i Aotearoa.
No place is more than 40km from the sea and being on the water is an intrinsic part of our lifestyle. So, it is critical that Northland’s young
people know about water safety and learn swim-to-survive skills.
One of our most enduring and valuable sponsorships is the Northland WaterSafe programme. This partnership between Sport Northland and Top Energy has taught swimming, water safety and survival skills to primary and intermediate school children for over 25 years.
E kore tētahi wāhi e tawhiti atu i te 40 kiromita i te moana, ā, ko te noho moana tētahi tino tikanga a tātou. Heoi, he mea nui kia mātau ai
ngā taitamariki o Te Tai Tokerau ki ngā pūkenga e ora ai, e haumaru ai rātou i te wai.
Ko tētahi o ā mātou haumitanga mau roa, e whai patanga ana nōki, ko te hōtaka Northland Watersafe. Nā te mahi tahi nei a Sport Northland ki a Top Energy, kua koni atu i te 25 tau, e whakaakongia ana ngā pūkenga kaukau, ngā tikanga haumaru mō te wai me te oranga tonutanga ki ngā kura tuatahi me ngā kura takawaenga.
The goal: to achieve zero preventable drownings and reduce the number of hospitalisations due to near drownings in Northland.
Ko te aronga: kia kaua tētahi e toromi take noa, ā, kia heke te rahinga e tomo hohipere ana i ngā toromitanga tata i Te Tai Tokerau.

Thanks to the longtime support of Top Energy, the award-winning programme is free for Year 1 to Year 8 school children in the Far North.
Nā te tautoko mau roa a Top Energy, tēnei hōtaka whai tohu whakanui, he utu kore mā ngā tamariki i te kura, Tau 1 ki 8 i Te Hiku o te Ika.

Top Energy plays a vital role in supporting the Top Energy WaterSafe programme. Since 1997 they have been a huge part of enabling tamariki to learn survival skills that will keep them safe in, on and around the water.
We are very grateful that they continue to help fund the programme that benefits not only our tamariki but their whānau as well as we aim to spread the WaterSafe messages.
Libby Aspden-Lowe, WaterSafe Lead, Sport Northland.