The Top Energy Business Development Fund encourages and promotes entrepreneurial initiatives in the Far North region.
Grants of up to $30,000 are awarded twice-yearly to businesses with ideas or initiatives that have the potential to diversify and stimulate economic development.
Ko te Top Energy Business Development Fund he whakahau, he whakatairanga nōki i ngā kaupapa pakihi i Te Tai Tokerau ki Te Raki.
E rua taima ia tau tukua ai ngā tautoko ā-pūtea $30,000 iti iho ki ngā pakihi whai whakaaro, whai kaupapa e āhei ana kia whakawhānui,
kia whakahiko i te whanaketanga ōhanga.
Find out more about the Business development fund here.
2023 Business Development Fund Winners
2023 Ko ngā toa whakaihu waka i Te Business Development Fund

Rockstead Construction’s ‘Geobind’ is an innovative mineral-based bio-aggregate binder for hempcrete, a natural building material with green credentials already widely used in the building industry. Geobind improves the durability and usability of sustainable Hempcrete.
Their grant will be used to accelerate Geobind commercialisation efforts and remove some major hurdles to the growth of the business.
Ko te Rockstead Construction ‘Geobind’ he pūtake-kohuke auaha, he whakapiri hiatonga-tupu mō te raima kōaka. He rawa hanga māori, he tohu tautaiao e hōrapa ana i te ahumahi hanga whare. Ko tā te Geobind he whakapai i te whakapūmau me te whakamahinga i te raima kōaka mau roa.
Ko wā rātou pūtea tautoko he āwhina kia whakahohoro i tā Geobind arumoni kia makere ai i wētahi herehere e pā kau ana ki te whakatupu o te pakihi.

Areion Sports Coaches manufacture custom-build horse floats. Their innovative designs have seen demand for their floats increase and the product range extended to include retrofitting caravans and motorhomes. Their grant will be used to streamline manufacturing processes, reduce production timelines, and increase the output of their entire product range.
E hanga ana a Areion Sports Coaches i ngā waka hōiho motuhake. Nā wā rātou waihanga auaha kua nunui ake te tonotono i wā rātou waka, ā, kua whakawhānui atu i te kohinga hangahanga ki te whakahou karawēne me ngā motohōma. Ko wā rātou pūtea tautoko he āwhina kia whakamāmā i ngā ritenga hangahanga, kia heke haere te wā hangahanga, me te whakarahi ake i te whakaputanga o wā rātou kohinga hangahanga.