1. The Applicant or their contractor must be on-site when the cables are located and marked. This ensures that the marked-out area is correct and the Applicant or their contractor fully understands the mark-out and their obligations. Top Energy will call you to make an appointment;
2. If the Applicant or their contractor cancels within 2 hours of the agreed time OR is not on-site within 15 minutes of the agreed time, then the cable location will not be carried out, and the Applicant will be charged a cancellation fee, no fee applies to a cancellation made at least two hours before the agreed time;
3. Top Energy is not responsible for identifying buried services of other utilities. The Applicant will need to ensure that all applicable utility owners are contacted to arrange for their assets to be located by them;
4. The precise location of cables is prone to many variables, and: a. The position is subject to reasonable tolerance and may not be directly below the marked area; and b. The depth of cover may also have changed since installation as ground levels are altered;
5. It is the responsibility of the Applicant or their contractor to verify the position of cables before excavating; this must be done with careful potholing by hand digging. Top Energy can produce a quote to provide this service;
6. Where excavation is to be carried out within 1.5m of a Top Energy cable, a Top Energy Asset Protection Officer is required on site. Top Energy can produce a quote to provide this service (both parties must comply with current health and safety requirements);
7. The Top Energy Asset Protection Officer will ensure that the requirements within this Notice are met and will take control of the site should a cable strike occur. This does not absolve the Applicant of any responsibility for the damage to any Top Energy asset, including any repair costs;
8. Machine excavation between 500mm and 1.5m of a Top Energy cable is not recommended without positive confirmation of the cable route via potholing;
9. Excavation within 500mm of a Top Energy cable must be carried out by hand;
10. If the Applicant or their contractor exposes any Top Energy cable (including via potholing) or causes any damage to a Top Energy cable, no matter how minor, Top Energy must be notified immediately. Any reinstatement around the exposed cable must be carried out by Top Energy to ensure correct reinstatement. Any cable damage must be inspected and, if necessary, repaired by Top Energy before reinstatement. The call-out and inspection will be free of charge however, any reinstatement or repair costs will be charged to the Applicant;
11. DO NOT, for any reason, touch any power cable with any part of your body or with a tool. If you have any concerns, please get in touch with Top Energy immediately for assistance. By entering and/or interfering with a network asset without expressed written consent from Top Energy Network, you will have contravened Section 35 Clauses 1 and 2 of the Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 (Interference with or movement of works). This may lead to prosecution and penalties under the aforementioned Regulation;
12. If you require any Top Energy asset to be isolated, relocated, or altered, contact 0800 Top Energy (0800 867 363).